Friday, February 3, 2017

Birthday - Bird houses

I had pinned a card in Pinterest with this idea and finally got around to making one!  I used a die cut for the branch, a scrap (smaller than I usually keep!) of design floral paper, and a small piece of CTMH Home Fundamentals (the wood grain).  The buttons and ribbon were from my stash.  The sentiment is CTMH and I used Hollyhock ink because no matter that it is retired, it is still one of my most favorite "rose" colors.

Then, I mounted the houses with a little foam adhesive, and popped up the entire front piece on foam adhesive over a card base of CTMH Sky cardstock.  So fun!! I think I'm going to make more of these!


Julia Aston said...

Beautiful colors and sweet little bird houses Sharli! I'd definitely make more!! Julia xx

Jeanne said...

Those bird houses are so sweet, Sharli. Wonderful use of the papers that makes them shine. Fabulous card! Yay for having enough to make more of these. They are smile inducers. :)

maria f. said...

I could happily live in one of those sweet houses! Be sure to check out the STAMP blog winners post - saw your name in lights :)