Friday, May 18, 2012

Special birthday wishes for Steve

My Love grows beautiful flowers.  He has a special fondness for the fuchsia plant and when I saw this stamp set, I bought it immediately! It's from The Craft's Meow - you can find it here.  I tried to make the card more masculine by pairing the flowers with blues and golden yellow (not that he cares - he tells me he loves all of my art). No frilly bow - just a little pennant and a tag.  Inside the greeting is a simple Happy Birthday along with my personal message to him.  The card is a little over-sized as I planned it starting with the focal image and building the other elements around that in what I thought looked proportional.  

Steve celebrated his birthday in Minnesota this week (I'm still in Arizona - working).  Tonight his family gathered at a favorite pizza place and Steve brought along his laptop and they called me on Skype so I could join in the party.  It was really awesome to see everyone and watch Steve and his darling daughter, Melissa, who also celebrated a birthday this week, open their gifts.  Almost like being there!  My new family is so sweet - so loving!  I am very blessed!



Laurel said...

Pretty card and I love fuchsias too!

Karen B. said...

Seems like the perfect card for your husband!

stampmonkey said...

How fun that you got to 'participate' in your new hubby's (and stepdaughter's) bday really can be amazing!

It's not often (in my world) you find a guy who enjoys flowers. It wouldn't surprise me if this fuscia card will instantly become a favorite of his. You did a nice job of making it more masculine for him.


Anonymous said...

Sharli my friend, the card is awesome. I'm sure your personal message and handmade card JUST for him made all the difference on his birthday (and daughter's as well).

My youngest turned 30 on May 6 so yes we have birthday's in May as well. Hugs to you my friend and wish Steve a happy birthday form all of us as well. Namaste

Alanna said...

What a lovely card and how thoughtful of you to tailor it to Steve's likes. I'm so glad you could be there for the celebration via skype. Blessings!

Nancy Ball said...

Gorgeous card, wish I could grow fuchsias! Hope your Open House today is a roaring success!

Shirley said...

Hey you, I had to stop by and say thank you for the great comment. Also when you said that 'old fashioned telephone' it made me grin and laugh! I had forgotten it actually was an old fashioned telephone. LOLOL

This card is lovely. I had to go look at the stamp set. Your colors you used for your image and DP you chose are wonderful together. Just beautiful!!!

Julia Aston said...

Sharli! thanks for stopping by my blog - so good to hear from you! What a great card you made for Steve - How is it all working back and forth? I read in a post below that you are tearing down walls and changing your house - is he coming to live there?? How nice that they skyped you into his party!