Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mauna Loa Candy Company, Chickens, Lava Arch

Another two page layout with mixed themes!  The Lava arch photo was from a trip to Volcano National Park.  We were there in 2012, that was the day my Olympus camera died ( !! ) and I didn't get a photo of the arch.  This year (2017) I did get a decent photo!  Yay!!

The selfie was taken at our favorite restaurant in the village of Volcano, where we ate both trips to the island.  Chickens are wild on the islands although you can sometimes find eggs.  The Rectory at McKinney Place had several wild roosters that simply did not know the difference in the sun and the moon - they crowed day and night!

We didn't re-visit the candy company but the photos of the macadamia nuts were interesting since we found a very, very good food truck that parked weekends at the edge of a macadamia nut farm near Ocean View and we ate many nuts while we waited for our meals.  The two items in my hand are: 1) the way they fall off the tree and 2) the middle nut.  You still have to crack the shiny one open to get to the actual macadamia nut!  It's a LOT of work!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

It's great to see your happy face! Great pictures and layouts. Getting a mini education, too. :) Didn't know that about the chickens/roosters nor the macadamia nuts. No wonder they are so expensive! Thanks for sharing, Sharli! Have a great day. :)