Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Steve's Favorite Flower

Last year I made Steve a birthday card with this same stamp set but I guess I'd never really looked at the fuschia plant in bloom - I colored the blossoms in rather pale colors!  This year I had a photograph to use for reference and it's amazing, but the flowers pretty much look like this - with stunning bright pink and deep rich purple on the inside.  I see why these are Steve's favorite flowers!  I'm pretty happy with how the card turned out.  

It's been busy here.  We've had a death in the family that wasn't totally unexpected, but still hard to accept now that it's actually here.  The rush of travel plans, arrangements, and all that must be done is exhausting!  I need my time in the craft room right now more than ever.  Steve left last Thursday to return up North (fishing opener is 5/11) so in theory I should be able to do more crafting "soon".  

Hug the ones you love.  
Even hugs the ones you don't love - but should.



Jeanne said...

It's nice to "see" you again, Sharli. And with a beautiful card to boot! I really like fuschias myself. Love how you've colored this one. In your defense though, fuschias can come in different colors. Maybe not quite as pale as your original version, but not all are as saturated with color as this version. Irregardless, it's lovely that you remember his favorite flower and incorporate on a special card for him.

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Cibele Glazer said...

This is beautiful Sharli! I'm sorry for your sad news. Even though it may have been expected, it doesn't help the hurt. Hopefully, all the things that needed to be said were said. That can often bring some comfort. Hugs to you and your family.

Curt in Indy said...

Good to see you Sharli! It has been awhile since your last post! Great card. The coloring is beautiful on this. Sorry to hear about the death in the family. Please accept my condolences. Hugs, Curt