Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another chalkboard technique

I have had some fun with the chalkboard technique!  Recently I was cleaning up the craft room and spotted a little used (and long ago retired) stamp set and I immediately saw this curvy border. That's one of the things I LURVE about acrylic stamps - that you can curve them into different shapes!  The striped paper is another retired find - but the sentiment is a current Close-to-My-Heart.

I'm up in Brainerd visiting my Love for a couple of weeks.  Yesterday I set up my studio here! It is just starting but already workable! Opening the boxes of supplies that I'd mailed to myself up here was like the best Christmas ever!!  OMGSH!!

We've had fun with the family and relaxing and spiritual walks in the forest.  I'm going with Melissa to yoga in a few minutes and am just thrilled that she asked me to come!  

More later!  Namaste.


Darnell said...

Hi Sharli!

Very clever curvy border on your wonderful chalkboard card! Thank you so much for coming by and leaving me some love so I could come and find you and follow you! I hope you do the same and come back often. I've enjoyed scrolling through and seeing your crafty cards!!

xxoo Darnell

Carla said...

Pretty card Sharli! Enjoy your time with your sweetie!

Stamping With Bibiana said...

thanks for the inspiration I want to try that technique

Jeanne said...

Great technique and wonderful card. Love the sentiment, which is very, very true for you, I'm sure! Enjoy your time with your hubby and his family.

Julia Aston said...

Love the stamps you used on this Sharli - a great chalkboard card! So happy to hear you are with your love! (and your stamps!) sounds like a lovely visit already - I just started a gentle yoga class at a local hospital - it's held in a lovely carpeted room that overlooks a garden - quite calming and spiritual!

maria f. said...

Such a fun composition. That sentiment appears to be perfect for your situation at the moment, eh?