Monday, October 6, 2014

Masculine card

I made this card for a 30-something guy I know that is going on 13. He's really a hoot - and I love him dearly!  It was super quick to make and I used the new CTMH papers called Wanderful.  I had purchased a pack to scrapbook our trip this summer, but haven't started that project yet (shame on me!!) so I cut into it for this "emergency" card!  *giggle*

Hope things are wonderful in your part of the world.  It's cooling off here - I even saw some snowflakes a couple of days ago!  They were exciting (for a girl from Arizona)!


Nancy Ball said...

That is a great card in a snap. You enjoy your snowflakes.....I'm wishing for some here this year. It is not likely, but I can still wish! If we get snow it will be in the Spring after the daffodils have bloomed and only for about 24 hours.

Jeanne said...

What a neat card, Sharli! I really like that sentiment. So happy you were able to make a quick but terrific card! Yay for seeing the snowflakes. Very exciting when you are not used to seeing them and even when you lived in an area for 20 years after having grown up in Southern CA. I'm still awed by the silence of some snow falls. :)

Kim Heggins said...

Oh my...snow already? Would you please send some my way??? I would really love some. Your card is so perfect for a guy, no matter what the age!