Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Treats

At the retreat, I had LOADS of fun using up scraps and bits of Halloween papers to cover full-size Hersheys chocolate bars.  I prepared a couple of boxes (72 bars to be exact).  These are just some examples.  It was a great project to do when I wanted to be chatting and working with other people, but actually getting something done for myself! 

I went through a phase for a few years where I refused to give out candy treats, but would give other stuff.  One year it was the glow necklaces and bracelets; another year it was little spider, bat, ghost toy things.  It just wasn't as satisfying somehow so this year I'm back to candy.  I usually get about 50 trick-or-treaters.  I love seeing their costumes and have been very fortunate that all to date have been well behaved.  The trend has been to "fall festivals" and such and I totally understand why, but when there are no longer any trick-or-treaters at my door it will be a sad day.

How do you celebrate Halloween?


Carla said...

Wow Sharli - those are great!! The kids coming to your door will love them!

richardbreaks said...

Those are awesome! I wish I trick or treated at YOUR house!!

Nancy Ball said...

Wow....72.....I likely would have eaten half of them while I made their jackets. You did a great job and any trick or treater should be ecstatic to receive this treat!

Jeanne said...

Wow, those look fantastic, Sharli! Full size candy bars?! You will always have trick or treaters, I'm thinking. LOL My girls still trick or treat, and we go with them. So we don't give out quite as much candy since we are gone part of the evening. Probably won't be doing that for too many more years, though. The elementary school has also done a trunk or treat each year. They held it last night, in fact. That's fun. Have a great weekend!

Rachele Funk said...

Super cute!

Alanna said...

WOW Sharli, these all look so fabulous. Your trick or treaters will love these.

Kim Heggins said...

Ok, so what is your address??? LOL, these are amazing and can you just imagine the look on the all the children's faces when they see what you hand out??? And you say you only get 50 trick or treaters, with smart phones your house will be like the one on the phone commercial...Just too cute.

maria f. said...

Busy girl! Interesting to hear that Halloween may be disappearing slowly. It just arrived in Germany a few years back (with Wal-mart basically, who has now left Germany again) but has really only caught on with the little ones who go trick-or-treating. Oh what a part of my life that was. Pillow cases for our haul. Dads on the street accompanying us, beer bottle in hand. I would have loved to get a Hershey bar wrapped like these!

Julia Aston said...

Oh how fun are these covered Hershey bars Sharli! Hopefully the parents get to see them and appreciate them before the kids RIP them to shreds!! We have between 5-60 kids - it seems to change every year! So when my candy is gone - or they come to the door covered in shaving cream with a hand out and no candy bag - we shut off the lights!

Unknown said...

Brilliant idea Sharli. Maybe try that myself next year, though we don't have Hershey bars in Scotland - Mars Bars are too skinny. Will have to think about that Your wrappers look great, hope the kids appreciate them - the parents will. Hope your pumpkins turned out ok - you must post some photo's. My Granddaughters were a HIT this year, dressed as MUMMIES!! They won best dressed at town party - one delighted Photo's of them will be on my Blog soon.... Hugs xx