Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another new stamp from Oregon

This cute mousey was another stamp I found in the National Forest Service Ranger station gift shop in the Redwoods National Forest - they are from Ampersand Press . . . very cute stamps! I had a lot of fun coloring this one - I almost like it better than the squirrel!

Tonight was Yoga night and my Yogini (Linda) was back - she's been out for several weeks. I've missed her terribly and was just absolutely THRILLED to have her back! It's amazing what a gift she has given me - teaching me about Yoga. It has allowed me great improvements in daily life (better posture, more control over my emotions, physical flexibility). I'm not athletic (by any stretch of the imagination!) but Yoga doesn't require that from a person. You do what your body can do and you learn to be at peace with that. With continued practice, you improve. So - for me it's been slow, but it's progress none-the-less. Thank God for Linda!



Leslie said...

I wish your yoga class was on Monday night instead of Tuesday night. You give me the encouragement to go and yet I have missed it for another week and by the time Tuesday rolls around I don't feel like going. Yoga is about a 20 minute ride and I am home and comfy. I always enjoy when I go, I feel as though I have had a workout, in fact, you know how they say ladies don't perspire they glow, well I glow all over my mat to the point that I can't do my downward dog because I slip and slide from glowing too much. I know TMI.- grins -

Leslie said...

I forgot all about mentioning your card. It is so cute and life like you could pick him up and pet his cute little soft pink ears.

Julie Ranae said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. I'm so glad that I could help bring to mind a nice memory for you. As I close in on the proverbial half-way point in life, I am reminded to not take things for granted and to always be aware of opportunities to 'make' memories!

Kathi Carlson said...

Cute card! Your coloring is excellent.

As for the yoga, you're really inspiring me to give it a chance. I've got a mat, some books, and a tape - just need to clear away the wedding clutter so I have enough room.

As always, thanks for sharing, friend!

Jeanne said...

This card is cute in person, too, although you didn't mention why you made it. LOL This is where I like my mice, in places other than my home.

I'm so glad you've found something that brings you such joy and relaxation. I've never tried yoga, might have to look into it!

Alanna said...

Cute card Sharli. I love the papers.