Friday, September 4, 2009


Well, dear friends, I thought I'd have something to post before I leave town, but I've been hit by the "TIRED" bug and am struggling to get my packing done :-(

I'll be away for a week. It's a trip of a life-time (probably) - - - I've occasionally regretted the wild decisions of my youth - one of which was to get married too young. I never made that big road trip with my friends. Well, sometimes life does give you "do-overs" and I got the chance to travel with two dear friends (who also stamp and scrapbook - so you know they're really, really special!!!). We're taking one of the daughters (we all three have daughters) up to Oregon to school. It seemed like a good idea to take two cars - we could haul more of the DD stuff that way and leave a car with her there. We leave at 5 in the morning. (that's the bad part)

I'm so excited to be going to Oregon! After we ditch help DD move into her place, we will be able to visit the Pacific ocean and travel leisurely home down Highway 1.

I intentionally chose green for the font because I knew it would match your color right now! ;-)

I'll miss you all! I've gotten terribly addicted to visiting your blogs daily and seeing what's new with you! Be safe and post lots of wonderful things! I'll post photos as soon as I get back! {{{HUGS!!!}}}


Kathi Carlson said...

Safe travels, friend! Oh, and for what it's worth, I'm so jealous!!! LOL. I can't wait to here all about it when you get home.

Cibele Glazer said...

Have a safe trip and I am sure you will find loads of inspiration on your travels...the West Coast is beautiful!

Jeanne said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip, Sharli! Thank goodness for "do-overs." *Ü*

Now I can catch up on your blog and you'll have something (hopefully fun) to read when you get back!

Jill (Scrap Wench) said...

Hope you and your friends have a wonderful time! I am definitely matching your font.

Unknown said...

Praying for your safe travel, Sharli! I'm many shades of green. :) What a fun "yaya" road trip you'll have! Enjoy the gorgeous coastal scenery and come home refreshed and inspired!

Leslie said...

Be safe, have fun and YES, I am green with envy. Can't wait to hear and see all about it.

Alanna said...

How fun. I am green with envy. Enjoy the time and have lots of fun.