Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Something Different - A Gift!

This is a hand-painted interpretation of one of the oldest color paintings known.  It is from Egypt;  about 9 x 5 1/2 inches and painted on papyrus.  It was a gift from my niece from her recent visit to Egypt.  She was told it is considered a "house blessing".  The scanned image just doesn't do it justice - the colors are actually quite vibrant in real life.

Speaking of Egypt - my SIL (the one who fell while on a tour of Egypt and by a horrible series of bad luck wound up in ICU) was moved to a step-down unit this week.  She is being weaned off the ventilator, so we are seeing some progress, albiet very slow.  My niece is "home" in Australia - how hard it must be for her SO far away!  I'm trying to advocate for my SIL . . . I guess what I mean to say is that we can all still use your prayers. 

Have a great Wednesday!


Kathi Carlson said...

What a unique painting. A treasure!

I'll keep your sister-in-law in my prayers. How hard for your niece to be so far away.

Take care!

Jeanne said...

How very unique and pretty. Lucky you to be the recipient of such a treasure.

I'm glad to hear your sil is making some progress. Slow is better than none at all. Good for you for being an advocate for her. She will truly appreciate your efforts on her behalf.

Hope you have a wonderful day, Sharli!

Carolyn said...

Beautiful painting!!

I'll pray for your SIL.

Laurel said...

I am glad your SIL is making progress.

Deb Neerman said...

WoWzA, what a fab gift!! That's truly a unique treasure!

Glad to hear that your SIL is coming along ... this can't be easy for you. Or on your niece who's sooooo far away. Yikes, you've got your hands full: I'll amp up the Sharli prayers!!

Sending hugs!

Unknown said...

Now you'll have to create an Egyptian art wall!

I'm keeping Britta in my prayers, Sharli, and you have a very blessed Easter!

Warm hugs!

stampmonkey said...

What a sweet and thoughtful gift she brought you! My mom went to Egypt a couple years ago and brought back some paintings on papyrus for my kids (they were studying Egypt at the time, so they were thrilled), so I can imagine just how beautiful this 'house blessing' is!

That is wonderful about Britta getting a bit better...step by step. I'll continue to keep you both in my prayers.

p.s. Thanks so much, Sharli, for the sweet comment you just left on my blog...still can't believe you got there even before it sent out updates! ;D