Saturday, March 20, 2010


Dear friends, you are so sweet and thoughtful!  I'm doing ok - great, in comparison to others!  My niece left for home (Australia) this afternoon after a tearful goodbye in the ICU to her Mom.  I think everyone cried.  Britta is gaining ground but slowly.  She's still on the ventilator; still fighting difficult infections.  It's my watch now (meaning, I'm the only friend/family in town) so I'll continue to be very busy helping her with her recovery.  I am hoping to get into the craft room soon - as I'm going through withdrawal (I KNOW you know what I mean!).  I'll post whatever I make and just hope I haven't forgotten how to do it (making, not posting!)  LOL 



Sarah said...

Ohhhh so sorry Sharli...As an ICU nurse I understand that she is facing a long and difficult uphill battle. What a wonderful person you are to be there for her! My prayers go out to you.
So sorry my friend.

Kathi Carlson said...

Thanks for the update here and on my blog. I tend to fret when someone "disappears" for more than a few days. Silly, I know. but the way it is.

Your sister-in-law is lucky to have you. Take care!

Jamie Harder said...

Sending strength your way for you and your SIL!


stampmonkey said...

I'm sure that good-bye was especially difficult, having her mom still there in ICU. I'm so glad that you can still be there for Britta, as healing is sometimes just as much emotional as it is physical. I have no doubt that your continued presence and caring mean so much to her. Just don't forget to take good care of yourself during this challenging time too. ;)

big hugs,

Jeanne said...

Wow, Sharli! You are an amazing woman. I think Christi said it better than I ever could.

I will keep you all in my thoughts that you stay strong and healthy during this challenging time.

Laurel said...

Oh Sharli, I will be thinking of you and your family.

Unknown said...

Sharli, my prayers continue for you and your family members. What an emotional time! Your caring presence is such a gift to your SIL, so I pray that you'll have the daily strength you need!

Deb Neerman said...

Oh, Sharli, you DO have your hands full, dontcha?!? Poor thing ... you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending hugs!

Alanna said...

Sharli, you are so sweet. I'll continue to pray for recovery.

Curt in Indy said...

You are a very sweet person, and I know your presence there helps with the healing. I will have you two in my thoughts and prayers Sharli. Best, Curt