Tuesday, January 5, 2010

YaYa trip - beaches and bridges

Two more pages of the YaYa scrapbook!  Both of these pages have flip-flaps that go on the outside of the page protectors!  Jeanne said the most brilliant thing in a recent comment - about using one of the spaces in the flip-flap to tuck the journaling!  I hadn't thought of that - and I'm very grateful to her for the idea because I was pretty stressed out that one of my photos was vertical instead of horizontal!  Now I can replace it with the STORY instead - tuck the photo somewhere else (maybe even behind the journaling).  This is just one of the many joys of blogging, if you ask me!  I learn so much from all of you!  Thank you for helping me grow!


Kathi Carlson said...

Oh, Sharli! Your pages are beautiful! What a wonderful trip that must have been with all the great scenery and fun friends with whom to share it. Such a treasure trove of memories.

Leave it to Jeanne to come up with a great idea, too! She often leaves me thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?" LOL.

Glad to hear you're feeling better, too! Take care, friend!

Jeanne said...

You gals are making me blush. I'm tickled though that my thoughts helped. Sometimes things fly off the tips of my fingers and I don't know if it helps anyone at all. LOL In this case, I'm truly glad that the story will be preserved!

Another wonderful set of layouts, Sharli. What a glorious trip you had!

Laurel said...

Beautiful pictures! Your layouts are awesome!

Paper doll said...

My flip-flaps arrive today, Iam so excited. Great pages, like the papers you used. I hope you had FABULOUS day

Alanna said...

More fun pages. I'm enjoying see all the pictures you took and how you are showcasing them.

Carla said...

Another great layout & fabulous photography!!

Deb Neerman said...

This is terrific, Sharli! I really love the photos you chose for your LO's. You're a wonderful photographer!

Julia Aston said...

what a great trip and what a wonderful scraping tale of it Sharli!! I've peeked at them all and the designs and pics are just super! glad you are feeling well back at work! have a great weekend GF!!!

StudioJane--JaneHaasPaperArt said...

Great layouts, Sharli--how did you get that cool effect around the whale's tail??? Your photos are awesome. I'd take some warm weather RIGHT NOW! It's -15 degrees wind chill here.