Thursday, May 6, 2010

Poppy Resist

The beautiful papers (Bella) and the sentiment for this card are from Close-to-My-Heart and the focal image is Hero Arts. The technique is a resist technique - where this negative image is clear embossed on design paper (the golden color paper) and then ink is added (I used daubers) over the open areas. Just part of the image is used here.

This card is a little different, too. The focal piece tucks under the sentiment (that is up on pop-dots) and opens up to have your greeting inside. I saw it done on another blog in "landscape" direction, but decided I would turn it to use with this stamp. I likey.

It's Thursday already - amazing. A productive week for me - hope you've had a good week, too. I'm starting to think about what I want on my weekend "to-do" list - I'm sure there is more to get done than I will have time to accomplish. Having a list helps me to prioritize things a bit and not waste time driving from point "A" to "C" then having to go back to "B". LOL



Jamie Harder said...

This is GORGEOUS!!!!

Kathi Carlson said...

Beautiful card, Sharli! I love that stamp, too, but don't have it. Can't have 'em all - just want 'em. LOL. You did a wonderful job with it. Isn't that technique fun?

I'm glad you've had a good week. I use lists, too, but tend to get sidetracked rather easily. Try to get the most important things done.

Hope your Friday is a wonderful day!

Jeanne said...

What a gorgeous card, Sharli! Wow! It sure packs a punch. You did a terrific job on that technique.

I'm so glad you had a great week. You are so organized! I should write more lists that I do. Mostly I keep what I want to do in my head. It's easier to forget, but then I don't have the glaring stuff that I didn't get done written down. LOL

Unknown said...

Sharli, this card is beautiful! Great job on the resist technique, and all the colors are so pretty! Have a very happy Mother's Day weekend & do something FUN.

Scossie Jane said...

Stunning card Sharli, love that resist technique, really nice effect....

Hugs xx

Alanna said...

THis is so gorgeous Sharli. Just beautiful. Good luck with your to do list.

Deb Neerman said...

WoWzA, this is too cool, Sharli!

Carolyn said...

What a gorgeous card!! I have those papers, need to dig them out!

Julia Aston said...

Love the colors on this and the sketch is lovely!