Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My DD had several Bettas growing up - she loved them (and frankly, I enjoyed them, too!). Most of them had delightful personalities! One just loved to tease the cat (no kidding!). He would swim around the tank in a circle and the cat would chase him around the outside on the table until she lost her balance and fell off the table! He'd wait until she got back up on the table, and then they would start the game all over. Another one was "shy" and afraid of it's own reflection, he would dive under the nearest plant or rock, or whatever was handy anytime anything moved. My baby is living on her own now and can't afford a kitty or dog (she can barely feed herself!) but she has a new Betta. His name is Bombay.

I made this card with a stamp I found in the $1 bin at Joann's. She'll get a big grin when she sees it!

It's Tuesday again, and I'm home, heading to bed early, again. I'm not sick, just tired. There is a lot going on and I just need to listen to my body (which is telling me to get off the computer and put my head on the pillow).



Laurel said...

This is gorgeous!

Deb Neerman said...

WoW, Sharli, this is beautiful! I love the stamp ($1.00?!?!) ... and the gorgeous color combination you used. The DD will LOVE this!!

Leslie said...

Great card and what sweet memories. DH and I had a Betta named Siammy. We thought we'd get a female for him. Big mistake - she killed him. I scooped her up in a baggie and drove her back to the store and gave her back with big crocodile tears in my eyes. I'm sure they thought I was one crazy lady. Of course, this was BC. Thanks for evoking that trip down memory lane.
Hope your energy is restored after an early night to bed and have a great rest of the week.
- grins -

Jeanne said...

What a beautiful card and fun memories. I'm sure she is going to really like the card. I've never seen a Betta outside a pet store until yesterday (of all days...how timely your post was). Our friends got one for their son. As he was proudly showing me, I was struck by the beauty and how the colors change. Very cool.

And I hope by the time you read my comment, you've had a wonderful night's sleep and are energized to finish your week! Hugs!

Lori said...

This is so pretty. Love that paper.
Are you going to convention? I would love to meet you. I am in the cocoa group.

Karen B. said...

Fantastic card for the occasion, I really enjoy the soft colors and the layout.

Unknown said...

Bombay is beautiful, Sharli! Your DD will love it! Watching a fish can be so soothing and mesmerizing, just as your paper colors are on the card. We've had goldfish and tropical fish, but never a betta fish. I hope you get some good rest and have a fabulous Friday!

Alanna said...

Cute card. I'm sure your daughter will love it. I hope you've been getting some rest.

Julia Aston said...

what a fun card for your daughter Sharli! and a happy memory! you are smart to listen to your body - I often don't and then pay the price!

stampmonkey said...

Your coloring on this fish is so pretty! What fun memories of your fishes --thanks for the giggle. ;) I'm sure your daughter will love this card...and maybe she'll even put it near the fish tank so it can be a "friend" for her new finned roommate. ;)

Glad you're taking care of yourself. Sleep is so important.

Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend.

big hugs,