Saturday, June 5, 2010

Walzingmouse Digital Shamrocks (huh?)

This is my very first attempt at using a digital image. It is a beautiful design by Claire of Waltzingmouse Stamps that was a freebie earlier this year! It's called Shamrocks - but I chose to color it to look like some other kind of flower. I'm still learning the nuances of coloring in general, but especially working with something that was printed from my little home inkjet printer. I found it challenging and this image took a lot of fussy work to be even mildly acceptable. On the yellow design paper (Close-to-My-Heart, Sweet Home) the whole thing begins to pull together. It's really growing on me.

I came home, ate more yummy leftovers and went early to bed last night - these short work weeks are hard! So, 4 AM and I'm wide awake! That's good, though, because after visiting my favorite blogs, I can slip into the craft room and make something (while still in my jammies! How FUN!)

Have a perfect weekend!


Jeanne said...

Well I certainly think your fiddling and futzing with the coloring makes for one amazingly beautiful image! Wonderful work, Sharli!

I suspect a nap will be in order later today, but hope you have a super weekend, sweet Sharli!

Karen B. said...

This is beautiful, and I would not have know they were shamrocks. I appreciate the efforts you took to make this beauty.

Julia Aston said...

I love how you made this look like a posie of violets Sharli! great coloring and pretty DP!

Alanna said...

Your coloring looks great and congrats on using your first digi. They are kind of fun although intimidating at the same time.

sideoats + scribbles said...

LOVE how you colored the shamrocks to look like flowers -- if you hadn't said anything, I'd never have guessed! Awesome! :)