Monday, July 5, 2010

Something Splendid

Something Splendid is the name of the stamp set - (not my opinion!) - for the August Stamp of The Month from Close-to-My-Heart! It's actually a lovely set! I really do like how it goes with this one, last piece of this yummy ribbon! In fact, I decided to use Vineyard Berry ink because I wanted it to go with this ribbon. LOL (usually it works the other way around for me!)

I think I must be ready for a longer vacation or something because I've been so contended and productive and I actually dread going back to work. Possibly it's because I was told I can't have vacation until after Labor Day that I want one so badly. It's like that with food (for me) too - if I think I'm on a "diet" then I think of nothing else all day long except what I'd like to eat! (deep sigh). Ok, my plan is to get all "yoga" about it and let it go. I can't change it, I can only change my response to it.

So - having said that, I hope your weekend has been lovely and everything you wanted!



Kathi Carlson said...

Splendid indeed! Your card is lovely, Sharli. I love what you did with the ribbon. It's so classy!

You are not the only one who could use more time off. I need to hoard what is left of my time until closer to the end of the year. Labor Day sounds like a long way off. You're right about attitude though. Keep reminding me. LOL.

Have a wonderful rest of the week, friend!

Nancy Ball said...

Your card is "splendid" and that ribbon is wonderful!

I hope your attempts to ignore your brain and "get all yoga about it" (love that saying) work! Hmmm, maybe I should try "getting all crafty about it"!

I hope you have great week, Sharli.

Jamie Harder said...

BEAUTIFUL card!!!!! Love the getting all yoga...:-) and I totally agree with you - the second I decide to eat healthier the MORE i think about chips, ice cream, nachos....etc...LOL!!

Unknown said...

Love that shimmery color of ribbon and ink together~great card design, Sharli! Have a good short work week, and stay all yoga. :)

Karen B. said...

I really really love the pops of green amongst the luscious maroon! Such a pretty card, and great addition to extend the size. Hope you had a wonderful holiday-where you able to spend any of it with your daughter?