Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yes, more Ya-Ya

These two pages go side by side, but I haven't figured out how to photograph them together and still be able to see them! Anyhoo - We did visit some wineries during our trip - in fact, it was a good thing that we left so much stuff with the DD in Oregon; we needed the room for the cases of wine! :-D

Today's adventure with the church teens was just awesome! They seem to always restore my hope for the future. These young people have good hearts! They are fun, intelligent, thoughtful, and can be serious when the time calls for it. I am truly blessed to have been able to interact with them! The shopping was awesome - the items they picked out were just perfect (of course!) and they all came in under budget! (SHOCK!) So, we headed back to church for ice cream with big smiles!

Hope you have a wonderful week!


Lori said...

Love the grape stamp with your layout. That wine looks yummy!

Jeanne said...

Wonderfully elegant layout, Sharli. The colors are perfect.

Yay for you that you got what you needed and under budget. Fabulous! The kids sound like terrific young people.

Deb Neerman said...

WoWzA, Sharli, your LO's are fabulous! You are such a talented scrapbooker ... and you've been keeping it a secret from us!!!

Sending hugs, Sweetie!

Karen B. said...

What a fantastic way to document your journey over to that part of the country! It looks like so much FUN! Did you by chance photograph any of the shopping adventure that came under budget? Any tips?