Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two more "Ya-Ya" pages!

These two photos are such favorites that I felt they needed their own pages. The top one was taken by my dear friend Sheri - I was standing below a HUMONGOUS fallen redwood to take a photo of the hollow inside part. From Sheri's perspective, it appears my life could be in grave danger! The way I'm so intent on the photo and oblivious to the risk amuses me. ;-)
The second photo was taken later in our trip - in another location but we were still "hugging" the trees . . . we saw in a clearing this group of animals (elk?) and I got a decent photograph (for an amateur). I have wanted to visit two places in my life as long as I can remember . . . one was to visit wine country (the movies shot in Tuscany . . . so beautiful and romantic!) and the other was to visit the redwoods. I've done both now - and highly recommend them!

Have a wonderful Sunday, dear friends.


Laurel said...

Love the footprints!

Jeanne said...

Both pages are awesome! Not just in their execution, but in that you were able to realize a longtime dream. I'm thrilled for you, Sharli! You use stamps so wonderfully on your scrapbook pages.

Leslie said...

Great layout. I love that paper pack. I have just a little bit of it left. You were very brave to stand where you stood. I would have been so afraid that tree would come sliding down the hill and take me with it. At least that's what it looks like.

Karen B. said...

Oh my, that tree really is huge! Thanks for sharing this with us, because now I really want to go see these redwoods!

Alanna said...

Gorgeous layouts Sharli. I love the pic on the first one with the fallen over redwood. Those trees sure are humongous.

Lori said...

What a cute layout. Love all the foot prints.