Saturday, July 3, 2010

A surprise in my mailbox!

Look at this wonderful 4th of July greeting I received from my friend Jone! Isn't it fun?!! I just LOVE opening the mailbox and seeing something other than bills! LOL Thank you Jone!!

Saturday at last! I woke up at 3 am, explored some blogs for about an hour, then fell asleep again and didn't wake until 7:30 - (that's late for me!). I've been "puttering" - and have started working on an idea that I'll post later today. Hope you're enjoying the long weekend!



Lori said...

What a nice thing to get in your mailbox. I love happy mail too. Have a wonderful 4th of July.

Alanna said...

What a fun card and I'm sure it was a nice surprise in your mailbox. Anything other than junk and bills is something special for sure.

Have a great holiday friend.