Monday, July 6, 2009

Basic Grey SCRAPS!

Thursday after work I was not very inspired while packing up for my get-away weekend. I just could NOT seem to settle on a project to work on - the result was a strange assortment of supplies that really didn't go together enough to finish anything! However, I did get a lot of things started, and Sunday night it only took a couple of hours in my craft room to put the finishing touches on these.

The Basic Grey cards were all created from a package of SCRAPS that I had leftover from a workshop about a year ago. The papers - most of them quite small - were just too pretty to toss. I had a lot of fun making it up as I went to come up with some "interesting" cards!
For some reason, this one is my favorite (of these three). I just like the colors, I think. Autumn colors are my "thing" and anything that's green is usually fine in my book!

Great news from the PBMT - (project bone marrow transplant for those just joining the conversation). David went home on the 4th! I know he is thrilled to be at home . . . he wanted to be home so badly, even though he still needs a lot of protecting from the germs in the world.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful Tuesday and the rest of your week.


Kathi Carlson said...

Every one of these cards is wonderful, Sharli! I'm with you on that third one though. Green is my favorite color, too, and where that flower "landed" is the perfect spot.

Glad to hear about David. There's no place like home ...

You have a good week, too!

Jeanne said...

Wonderful cards, Sharli! It's truly amazing what can be done with scraps. I'm glad you didn't toss them!

And YAY for your friend, David! That's got to lift his spirits tremendously and that can only help his recovery in the process!

Jamie Harder said...

Your cards are fabulous!! I laughed at your you "got a lot started" comment cause that is how I work. I am a starter and then finish later:-)

I dont' know the story behind David...but I know that being at home is always good:-) Hope everything is ok!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear David is home and I'll keep the prayers going for him. Each card is so unique...I too like the third one best...isn't it a good feeling to use scraps AND finish things?! Happy week!

Julia Aston said...

What a great way to use up those scraps - good to hear that David is improving - how great that he could go home!