Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nothing creative today :-(

My mojo left me! I played around with an idea tonight but wound up clearing the desk off into the "round file". It's a bit disappointing. I'll try to get a card made tomorrow. I work in the morning, and then I've got a dental appointment (I know! Twice in ten years and they're within 2 weeks of each other - what gives with that!?!) I just hope I don't come home exhausted from the tension of it all and sleep all afternoon like last time (LOL).

I did see David today - and he's had a rough couple of days as his immune system tries to kick in again. Please keep him in your prayers. We chatted for about an hour - it was wonderful to see him and I hope I didn't wear him out too badly. Hope your Thursday is great. Be back soon.

1 comment:

Kathi Carlson said...

You're not the only one who is missing her mojo... Maybe tomorrow.

I hope David feels better soon. He's lucky to have a friend like you!!