Friday, May 15, 2009

More Bella! As promised

I had a happy accident with these cards . . . I had used white embossing powder for the monograms, and it was, well, it was white. It really looked awful. BUT, in a fit of "they're useless anyway - let's try something" I rubbed them with a bisque creamy brown color chalk ink (cat-eye) and let it dry really good. Then, to check if this was a good or a bad idea, I rubbed with a clean tissue. It stayed! I like the antique look . . .

This week has gone by so fast! It's been busy and full of interesting things and that in itself is a blessing. Tonight was my second Yoga night of the week. You know how some times you are so strong, and some times you can't stand up straight? I had no balance and fell over twice tonight! The first one I was a little embarrassed, but the second time it made me giggle - and I can accept that not every practice will be the best one.



Kathi Carlson said...

Oh, pretty! I love that alphabet and don't use it nearly enough. As for your happy accident, way to go!! The results are wonderful. About standing up and falling over, I'm probably not the best one to talk to. LOL. Glad you had a good week. Hope your weekend's wonderful, too. About 100 degree temperatures, I'm trying real hard right now to imagine 50!

Deb Neerman said...

TWO things: Love the cards; they're so shabby-chic-kewl ... what a terrific "accident" AND I love how you used the html code!

You go girl!!!