Thursday, May 14, 2009

My FIRST Blog Award!

Oh My Goodness!!! I'm so excited! Leslie at Pandascrapper gave me a Lemonade Stand award for having a something nice to say! Thank you Leslie - I'm flattered, and very thankful! Leslie is very creative - her blog is beautiful - her post today features the most AMAZING card! You should click on the link and go check it out!

I've seen some awesome blogs as I explore and learn from all the amazing people who live in this blog-world! Therefore, I'd like to pay it forward and honor them for their upbeat attitude and obvious love of life.

Julia - Create With Me - who doesn't seem to mind that my blog is a poor imitation of her blog! Julia is a great artist and person who I feel would be a close friend if we lived near each other!

Deb - Paper,Ink, Scissors, & Stamps - who cracks me up every day with her Sheila and Reid the wild child stories! I love her artwork, and can't wait to see what she's posted!

Laurel - Laurel's Place - what an artist! I drool over her work - and realize that I may never achieve the consistently outstanding original work that Laurel does. But, it doesn't hurt to TRY!

Rachele - The Ink Boutique - who has been MIA for TOO long but recently returned with a whole new positive and wonderful attitude! You have to go check out her style - Rachele is amazing! Hugs!

My biggest cheerleader in my short time blogging has been Kathi Carlson. Kathi, thank you so much for your support! I see that Leslie already beat me to giving you the award - so I'll just "second that motion" here for everyone to see that I, too, love Kathi's Corner!

The rules of the award (to pick up the Lemonade Stand Award):
- Comment on this blog.
- Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.
- Nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
- Link to your nominees within your blog post.
- Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
- Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.


Kathi Carlson said...

Congratulations to you!!! And thank you for your nice comments. Enjoy Friday!

Leslie said...

Sharli, You are so good about leaving comments on my blog and it is always uplifting. I know you make a lot of people feel good with your comments. Thanks.

Laurel said...

Aww, thank you Sharli (((HUGS))) I am honored!

Deb Neerman said...

Sharli, thank you sooooooooo much! I'm honored to know that out of all the amazing stampers and crafters you know, you chose me (among some other talented stampers!), to receive this kewl Lemonade Stand Award!

I appreciate it more than you know and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Merci!

'Course Sheila thinks this is just awful as she fears more and more people will read about her escapades. HAH! She's becoming infamous! And she knows it's too late to stop me now, lolol!

BTW, I think your blog is pretty awesome and I love to come here to admire your beautiful projects; thanks again and have a great weekend!

Rachele Funk said...

Thank you Sharli! I didn't even know you had a blog so I'm SOOOOO glad you shared your award with me! I'll get to it on my blog soon, but didn't want to miss browsing through yours. You are definitely one of the most lemonade stand deserving people I know. Thanks for being you! It was a pleasure to meet and read about Chloe too! My first car was a 1969 Bug. . . loved that car! Have a great day!