Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Award! (I feel so LOVED)

This award is bestowed onto blogs that are exceedingly charming. These bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Yes, that's what Jamie said! Truly! I'm am in heaven!

Thank you so much Jamie - I am honored by your award. A year ago I didn't really know what a "blog" was and now I have discovered a wide-world of people who I love - I mean that! People I love because we have so much in common - and we care about each other and the artistic strugglings of each day (is strugglings not a real word? spell-check isn't convinced.).

I want to share, too - I'm listing 5 of my blogging friends who fit the description and that I don't believe have this award already (oops! if I'm wrong ;-)

1. Leslie at PandaScrapper
2. Deb at Paper, Ink, Scissors, & Stamps
3. Carla at CarlaCreates
4. Cibele at FlowerFoot
5. Terrie at My Life in Real Time



Julia Aston said...

Well, you sure do deserve this nice award Sharli! you always have such wonderful crafts/cards and snippets of knowledge here!! have a super weekend! you're lucky that you don't ever need mittens!!! LOL!!! although having lived in New England all my life - I do LOVE the changes of season! ( I say that until we have snow 5 days in a row!)

Carla said...

Thanks so much for the award Sharli!!
Very sweet of you!