Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dentist Thank You Card and Weekly Planner Page

I've had a lot of fun in the craft room this weekend - I'll try to not post everything at once so there will be some new things to look at later in the week! I'm mailing this card off to Dr. Gardner tomorrow with a photo of the weekly planner page (i.e. scrapbook) for my "historic moment". I think he'll laugh - he's the type.

Close To My Heart products - Game On paper, the letters for DENTIST and the comments were computer generated in Pharmacy font. The card sentiment is from the new Thank You stamp set (love that set - can you ever have too many ways to say thanks?!!) and on the Desert Sand cardstock it looks like leather or somthing. Cool, huh!

Church was good this morning - I learned that a friend / church family member is having a bone marrow transplant at my hospital beginning tomorrow and the seed has germinated into a full blown project. I'm going to shower him with a hand-made card every day he's there (approx. 3 weeks). I've gone through my "stash" for some more manly cards and have about 14 pulled out - so that's a great head start! I know I can convince my nurse friends from his unit to help me on my days off with the delivery of those cards. If you want me to, I'll post them each day (most are old enough that they are from my pre-blog days so you won't have seen them). Let me know in the comments . . . otherwise, I'll stick to new "stuff". ;-)

Have a wonderful evening!


Kathi Carlson said...

You are amazing! I love your page for your planner as well as the card for your dentist. I'm thinking they probably don't get very many "thank you" cards and that he'll appreciate it. I hope all goes well for your friend having the bone marrow transplant, and I, for one, would love to see the cards you send him. Have a great Monday, Sharli!

Anonymous said...

Sharli I too think you are amazing and think that you need to share the cards you give him. I need some inspiration from Sharli that I haven't seen yet hehe.

I also have a present for you on my blog and thanks.

Jeanne said...

Sharli, you are amazing. I have never thought to send a thank you card to a dentist. I'm sure he will really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

I'd love to see all the cards you send to your friend. I will keep him in my thoughts that all goes well with the transplant, too.

Unknown said...

Sharli, how sweet of you to honor your dentist that way! Oh, yes, bring on the cards from your stash as I'm new around the block and would love to see them! I'll be praying for your friend's bone marrow transplant success!