Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PBMT Day 3

This stamp set (Sunflower - retired) was one of the few that I own in both wood mounted red rubber and My Acrylix. I have used this stamp over and over and over (and will probably continue to use it - I just simply love it!). Inside there is an inspirational quote and a little personal thought for David.

I'm a bad friend :-(. I didn't get to the hospital today and am feeling blue about that. I WILL go tomorrow, I will, I will! I sure hope my plan of getting his cards to him when I can't visit is working. Guess we'll find out.

It really made my day when I realized that Iona of Iona's Crop Shoppe included ME in this "lovely blog" award! Oh - that's such a nice thing to do!!! Thank you so much!

Work was busy-bee today and once I hit 12 hours I said "enough" and finally came home. I slurped and crunched my way through a 30 minute phone call with my DD. I accused her of just calling so she could listen to me eat - and she doesn't deny it. We are both so weird. Oh! And I got a call from the dentist today. He was blown away by the card. I guess Kathi is right - dentists don't get a lot of thank you cards! It hadn't occurred to me (honest!) but then again, my life has been devoid of dentists for decades many years. Well, Hump Day is nearly over - YIPPEE!


Kathi Carlson said...

I love your card, which is made with one of my all-time favorite stamp sets, too. Twelve hours at work? I'd be dead. I'm glad the dentist appreciated your card and happier yet he fixed your problem. Enjoy Thursday. Only two days until the weekend ...

Leslie said...

Great card,
I would love to say I worked for 12 hours straight.
I was a dental assistant back in the dark ages and I'd say 25% of our patients would say, "I hate dentists" right to my boss's face. A few of our patients would fall asleep while we were working in their mouth - some during root canals. Go figure

Julia Aston said...

Love this great daisy card! it stamps up so nicely and I love it's leaf too!

Jeanne said...

Great card and great story about the dentist calling. THAT is very cool! (and the fact that he fixed your problem)

12 hours??? I don't know how you do it!