Monday, June 22, 2009

Nana Card!

This tin is from Trader Joe's and it used to hold dark chocolate! That doesn't last long around me though! I saved it to make a "round card" for my friend Pam who is a new Nana! Inside is a 10 page "card" with 10 reasons Pam will be a wonderful Nana. I can finally post it as I gave it to her yesterday.

Mondays. They are what they are, huh. I came home so tired - I thought a bite of dinner would revive me, but it hasn't. I think I'll hit the hay early tonight. "See" you later this week!


Kathi Carlson said...

Oh, so cute! What a cool gift! I love "recycled" stuff. Trouble is, I save stuff and then don't get to it ... You're right about Mondays. Ugh! Now, just so another day doesn't turn into a Monday ... my fingers are crossed. LOL. Have a good week, friend!

Jamie Harder said...

What a fabulous gift!!! Love it!!

Jeanne said...

What a great idea! I'm sure she loved it! You are so thoughtful.

I'm like Kathi, I save stuff and then don't use it. LOL

I'm glad my post about the Butterfly Pavilion inspired you! Makes me happy. *Ü*