Saturday, June 27, 2009

Each month we spend a few minutes before our Open Stamping and Scrapbooking afternoon working on a new technique. This month I'm teaching Shaving Cream technique - it's a o-l-d one but still a lot of fun and a "wowie" for people who haven't seen it already. The instructions are on this technique page that everyone will make and add to their technique books. You can choose whatever colors you like. I've seen everything from elegant to funky.

It was indeed a busy day - but not as stressful as I had feared. I'm hanging in there. It helps that my new glasses prescription seems to finally be right. I've done a lot of laundry, housework, the committments I mentioned earlier, and even worked in a short nap today. Surely can't complain about that!!!

At the Memorial for my friend's Mom, the Pastor spoke about LIFE and Transitions. I admit that it made me think a little differently about the meaning of life, the being of life, and how life may not actually STOP when the body dies. His comments were actually quite profound. Strangely, after the service I was talking with a friend of the family (unknown to me before today) and she mentioned a 20/20 story about a child that doesn't age. She thought it was very positive and exciting that the child doesn't age. This girl is in her teens (the exact number of years escapes me) and is still the size of an infant. It gave me the same sadness that I experienced watching the movie "Benjamin Button" about a man who lived his life backwards (basically). Born old, died young. Staying young your whole life seems tragic to me just like living backwards seemed tragic. The point is that both of these individuals (one fictional, one real) are out-of-step with the world; and that's a hard place to be.

Ok. Well then. I'm sorry - what a ramble!
I hope your Saturday was not as deeply philosophical as mine turned out to be.


Kathi Carlson said...

Nice technique page! I have done the shaving cream technique in ages. While I could do without a few of my wrinkles, I'm glad I didn't stay young. There were so many things I didn't understand as a younger person. Does seem though that 30 years ago I was younger than just about everyone I knew, and now, I'm older than most. I can ramble, too. LOL. You got me thinking. Enjoy your time with your stamping friends tomorrow!

Jeanne said...

Love the shaving cream technique, even if I haven't done it in a while.

Thanks for the thought provoking post. Like Kathi, I don't think I'd want to stay young either, for the reasons she's stated. I like how you share so many different facets of yourself!